Correcting the record


Reports in The Australian newspaper today regarding a loan that was provided to the Labor campaign in the 2016 Local Government election are misleading.

All loans were disclosed and repaid in full. This has been on the public record for many years.

I have always acted with honesty and integrity. Throughout my time in public office I have accepted small donations from supporters to power grassroot campaigns against wealthy incumbents.

I am focussed on running a positive campaign about the future of the City of Sydney.

And there is a lot to be done. Our local Labor team is committed to a jobs-led recovery in the City, with new creative precincts and grants to fund performances and live music. We are committed to stronger emissions reductions targets, and more action to combat climate change. We support more affordable housing, to ensure a vibrant, diverse and sustainable City for our future.

Thank you for your ongoing support. Together, we can be a part of changing the City for the better.

In solidarity, Linda.

Linda Scott